Category Archives: Health Tip Advice

Health Tips For Kids

Health Tips to Keep Kids Healthy

With everyone looking for ways to improve their health it is no surprise that parents are including their children as well. Keeping children healthy doesn’t have to be a boring or expensive prospect. In fact, amazing results can be achieved in fun ways that can help develop lifelong good habits. The following pointers are health tips for kids that should help you achieve the results you are hoping for, for your child:

Physical activity is important to everyone including children.

This can be a fun way to get all members of the family moving and away from TVs and video games. This can be made fun by going for a nature hike in the woods if you live in a rural area. For those children who live in cities going on tours to a museum or zoo can provide much needed exercise. Children need a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise per day. This can be broken down into 15 or 20-minute sessions.

Playing games with children can help build family bonds while providing needed physical activity. Playing football, baseball or just rolling around in the grass is good. Children should be encouraged to spend time outside, not only to get fresh air but also vitamin D from sunlight. While outside do practice sun safety – this includes wearing sun protection and not spending too much time out when the sun is at its hottest.

Encourage healthy eating habits

Developing healthy eating habits in children should start early. This means that they should start eating foods from the food pyramid early on. While some young children are picky eaters, providing variety can stimulate their curiosity to try something new.  Try hiding fruits and vegetables in other foods that children will eat readily. Take special care not to use too much.

It is important that food is attractive as well. That means that parents and guardians need to be creative. Make food colorful and funny where possible. Get children involved in meal planning as well; they can decide what’s to be eaten for all major meals for a few days per week. Also, there is no harm in including sweet treats every now and then.

Drinking water should be encouraged as much as possible. Give children water instead of sugary drinks such as soda. Soda and other artificially-flavored drinks shouldn’t be a part of the normal diet of anyone much less children.

Other tips that are important include these well known ones that children sometimes forget:

  • Washing hands frequently, especially if they have a cold. This can be made into a fun activity by making up or changing the lyrics to popular songs while doing it. Luckily there are also many websites that have posters and activity sheets that can be used for this as well. If there is no access to water to wash hands, use wipes or hand sanitizers as a quick fix method. With young children the parent should rub the sanitizer on their hands and ensure that it is all wiped away. If this is not done, some may be left on the child’s hand and he or she may ingest it. The Food & Drug Administration recommends that hand sanitizers should have a concentration of 60 to 95 percent isopropanol or ethanol.
  • Practice good dental health. Dental hygiene and health play an important role in overall health. Cleaning the teeth can become a fun activity, especially for young children by using colorful or electric toothbrushes. These days, toothbrushes come in a variety of colors and some have flashing lights and music and timers. Find one that will appeal to your child and get them started on caring for their teeth.

Getting or designing coloring sheets or books on health tips for kids is another fun and creative way to help children learn about being healthy and safe. Use their favorite cartoon characters or even their pets as the main character to get them involved.

Seven Tips To Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is something many people struggle over. Their lifestyles are such that fast food and easy choices lead many people to take whatever may be available or what seems to look or taste the best. Most know there are better choices they should be making, but something always gets in the way of making that better choice.

One fast food meal packs enough calories, fat and sodium for a whole day, but those quick and easy meals can be hard to resist and even harder to get rid of.

Healthy eating means cutting down on high fat foods. High-fat foods means an excess in calories which ultimately leads to weight gain and then to obesity. Excess weight increases the risk of heart disease or diabetes. Healthy eating can help clear the arteries and maintain blood circulation.

The change to healthy eating does not have to be dramatic. Take it systematically by following these seven healthy eating tips.

Seven Healthy Eating Tips.

  1. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in many important nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, and other antioxidants. They also contain lots of dietary fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy body.
  2. Use colors in cooking. Cooking greens such as Broccoli, Bok Choy, Kale, etc are very inexpensive, but very filling and nutritious. When shopping for fruit and vegetables, a good rule of thumb is to go for the darker colors. Darker green vegetables have more iron while red and purple-skinned fruit and vegetables are high in antioxidants and anthocyanins. Red grapes, red cabbage, eggplant and blueberries are high in anthocyanins.
  3. Cut out Sodium chloride consumption. Cook foods without adding salt. If you must have a salty taste, try salcornia, celery or sea vegetables. Keeping the saltshaker off the table will also cut down on the sodium intake. The kidneys are obliged to evacuate calcium from the body with the salt, which is a leading cause of osteoporosis [Devine et al. 1995]
  4. Make a change from red meat to white meat, but do not stop there. Choose lean meats and poultry with the skin removed.
  5. Eat more fish. Fish does not contain the high saturated fats that are in meat. Trout, herring, mackerel, sardines, tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial to the heart and help reduce cardiovascular disease. Try to have two or three fish meals per week.
  6. Add tofu to your meals. Tofu comes from the curd of soybeans and has more goodness than can be explained in this article. Tofu does not have saturated fat or cholesterol and is low in calories. Tofu is high in calcium, iron and magnesium. It also contains soy isoflavones that mimic human estrogen. If you are still unsure about the taste of tofu, you need to know that it will take on the flavor of whatever dish it is added to.
  7. Preparation and consumption: Changing a habit does not necessarily mean clearing out your food cupboard, for many it is just means changing how you prepare it. Instead of frying eggs, try poaching them. Steam your vegetables instead of boiling. Many of the nutrients are drained away with the water. Steam cooking will retain the goodness and the texture.

The very first step to lifelong health is having the confidence to change ones habits.

Eating a healthy diet can help you feel better, cope with stress, and perform better at work and play. It really is not that hard to get started.

Healthy eating and regular physical activity are the keys to improved health.

Ten Tips for Good Health

No one deliberately wants to have a life of ill-health, not even those who pretend to be sick so as to get sympathy. Interestingly, being healthy doesn’t have to be hard or take up too much of your time. There are in fact some basic lifestyle changes that can add years to your life and keep you healthy in the process. While diet and exercise are important factors in maintaining good health, they are not in themselves the whole story.

So how do you get yourself on the path to good health? By following these 10 tips for good health:

  1. Move: this doesn’t necessarily mean ‘exercise’ like at a gym. Moving more means walking, doing some gardening, anything to get your body in motion. It is a mistake most people make when they think of exercising that they have to go to the gym or do formal exercises such as sit-ups. Walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator is a form of exercise similar to using a treadmill or other gym exercises. When possible, walk instead of drive. Go to the park and play with your children when you can. Moving serves to not only improve your heart function and keep weight off, but also helps to relieve stress.
  2. Improve your diet: This means eating from all the basic food groups, and in the serving sizes recommended. Your body will love you for eating properly. A healthy diet helps you lose weight and makes it easier to maintain that weight. The main food groups include: grain, vegetables, fruits, proteins (meats, fish, beans, nuts, soy), and milk and other calcium-rich foods. In addition cut out unhealthy fats, sugars and unhealthy snacks from your diet. Unhealthy fats are unsaturated fats which can be found in butter, lard and some types of cooking oils. Get into the habit of reading food labels.
  3. Drink lots of water: The body is made up mostly of water so develop a water habit. Drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day. If you are trying to lose weight up the amount of water you consume. Also, if you live in areas that are hot or if you sweat a lot you should have more than the minimum.
  4. Take supplements: Supplements can and do play a part in maintaining good health. Get informed on what types of supplements you may need and what quantities are recommended for optimum health.
  5. Regular check-ups: It is important to get regular medical and dental check-ups to catch illnesses before they become serious. This is especially true for silent killers such as hypertension and diabetes, which can both ravish your body before they show any identifiable symptoms.
  6. Avoid consuming excessive alcohol: We all know that the experts say that a glass of wine can have health benefits. However, drinking too much alcohol is not a healthy habit.
  7. Stop smoking: Smoking not only affects your health, it takes years off your life and prematurely ages the skin.
  8. Get enough sleep: The value of sleep cannot be overstated. While the amount of sleep recommended seems to keep changing, getting between 6 to 8 hours per night is highly recommended. Be guided by your body, if you are tired, get some rest.
  9. Reduce stress: Stress is a big factor in modern day life. It can affect your physical, emotional and mental health. Thankfully, there are many ways in which we can all learn to control our daily stresses. Learning relaxation techniques, having regular massages and yoga are just some of the ways to reduce stress.
  10. Be happy: the value of happiness to good health and a longer, more fulfilling life cannot be overstated.

These are not the only things that can and will contribute to better health, but they provide a good starting point. The Internet is also full of other valuable information on improving health and living a healthier, fuller life.

Now that you have the information you need – what do you plan on doing?

Gym Tips

Hitting the Gym? How to Maximize Your Workouts

If you are new to weight training, you may not have an idea of what kinds of equipment you will need to build a better you. Consider this: would you go to a dentist with bad teeth? It is the same for gym instructors. Any instructor should look like they know what they are talking about. This is one advantage that choosing a gym instructor has over, say, finding a good mechanic. The results of their knowledge will immediately be evident.

Check out the equipment:  There are essential pieces of equipment that are standard for any gym, and even a small gym should have a reasonable variety of gym equipment.  Essential pieces of equipment include leg press machine, pull up bar, weight rack for squats, and benches for chest workouts.

Whenever you make a decision to start a weight training routine, there are simple guidelines that should be followed for maximum results. Achieving increased mass is reliant on a number of factors.

Gym Tips to Ensure a Proper Workout

To achieve results, a minimum of four days is required for your routine. Remember that everybody builds differently, so don’t be put off by people who get results faster than you do. After a few months, if you aren’t happy with the outcome, try adding another day to your routine.

Your warm up is essential as it minimizes your risk of injury. Try to mix up your routine, so you keep surprising your muscles. Sticking to the same routine for too long will cause you to plateau, at which point you may become frustrated with the lack of results.

Remember that proper technique is more important than going heavy. Using heavy weights before getting the routine down can lead to injury. Avoid going for a spotter if you are new to bodybuilding. Your body needs time to adapt to this new experience so avoid working with very heavy weights. When you have reached the point where you can use a spotter, remember that he or she should not help with every rep. If you can’t do a few initial reps by yourself, you need to decrease the weight.

To gain mass, it is important to constantly put more stress on the muscles. Try to increase the weight with each workout, possibly on every set.

Try to keep workouts less than two hours. After two hours workouts become counterproductive, as the muscles are exhausted. Don’t work the same body part two days in a row as this will lead to overtraining. If your goal is to build mass you should save your cardio workouts for a day when you don’t do any weight training.

Diet’s role when it comes to Gym Tips

For you to get the kinds of gains you are looking for, increased protein intake is essential. Avoid eating too many carbs at night, as these will be stored, and will work against your efforts to build lean mass. Most studies suggest consuming roughly one gram per pound of body weight.

Protein powders are a good way to help you get adequate, easily digestible servings. If your goal is to gain mass grab a protein shake after your workout instead of sport drink. Try to eat six or seven small meals a day, with a higher protein to carb ratio. Protein bars and shakes can be considered meals for the purpose of your weight training routine.

It is necessary to get some protein before each workout. This can be done between 45 minutes to an hour before you hit the gym. You must never work out on a completely empty stomach, but don’t eat until you are full – grab a protein bar. Great sources of protein are tuna, chicken, eggs, milk and tofu.  Additionally, you should take a multivitamin and omega 3 fatty acids to get the most from your workouts.

Some Gym Tips before You Hit the Gym

Getting adequate rest will do plenty to help you meet your weight target, since muscles grow when you sleep. Aside from your pre-workout warm up, it is a good idea to do some stretches before and after your routine. Avoid getting into conversation when you should be working out.

Set up a workout plan and a target, so you can determine where you want to be at certain points. Try to plan ahead for your workouts, and do the same for meals as well. It will be easier than trying to decide what to eat when you feel hungry. Weight training is not easy, in fact it can at times be downright frustrating, but with a clear plan and dedication, the rewards will be great.

Free Health Advice

The true key to maintaining good health through a lifetime is prevention.  Most, if not all, physicians urge patients to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and believe that prevention is the key to health.

Free health advice comes in all forms, from word of mouth to magazine articles to online sites and to countless books that all provide free health advice.

First and foremost, prevention is the key.   Ranking first among a laundry list of free health advice, prevention means living a healthy lifestyle.   Eating right is one way to stay healthy.   Eating a balanced diet heavy on fruits and vegetables with a foundation of grains is the current recommendation.   Cutting down on the amount of red and processed meats eaten can have a positive impact on health, especially on cholesterol readings.  Too much salt, sugar, and fat can have an adverse affect on health and lead to major health problems including heart attack, stroke, diabetes, kidney problems and liver issues.

Maintaining a healthy weight – directly linked to a healthy diet – is another way to stay healthy.

Lifestyle changes are another oft given part of free health advice.   Losing weight is just one way to maintain or improve health.   Daily or regular exercise is also advantageous for good health.   Be active even if it a walk around the block.   Get off the couch and out of the chair into the outside air.    People who regularly exercise live longer and experience fewer chronic health problems than those who do not.

The next oft-quoted recommendation for free health advice is to get a good night’s sleep.

Studies show that many adults operate on a sleep deficit.   Those who do not get rested and refueled with a full eight to ten hours of sleep per night are more likely to get sick, have accidents, and develop chronic health conditions.   With too many pastimes and entertainments available (think television, the Internet, 24 hour news), fewer people get enough sleep.   A few generations ago, people retired to bed early but today many stay up to watch programming or surf the Internet, cutting away time that would be better spent in rest.

So the first hallmarks of good health begin with good nutrition, a healthy diet, exercise, and getting enough sleep.

But, free health advice does not end with these simple ways to maintain or gain good health.

Annual physical check-ups are key in maintaining good health and catching any new developments early.  Every healthy adult should have a physical each year.  If or when chronic conditions or problems develop, swift and correct treatment is also key.   If someone is diagnosed with high blood pressure, then it is vital to begin the prescribed course of medication but also to make necessary lifestyle changes.  These changes are similar to those already mentioned, weight loss, exercise, and a healthy diet.  Another vital lifestyle change for anyone with hypertension is sodium reduction.

Or, if someone is diagnosed with diabetes, a change in diet and lifestyle are warranted.  Many individuals diagnosed with Type II diabetes can eliminate the need for medication if they lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, and watch the sugar intake.   Daily monitoring of blood glucose levels is key.

In any chronic condition, following the advice and treatment recommended by a physician is vital.   In situations where surgery is suggested, it is wise to research the procedure, have a second opinion to determine if the surgery is necessary, and follow through where it is advisable.

Never put off any test, procedure, or medication prescribed by a doctor.  To do so could jeopardize health and compromise an already potentially serious condition.

Free health advice can be found in many places.  Most of it is very simple, based on common sense but the key thing to remember is that it is much easier to maintain good health than to restore it.

10 Health Tips For Lifelong Fitness

Good health means a longer, more meaningful life.  When you take care of your overall fitness, you appreciate a richer, fuller existence with fewer ailments.  The following 10 health tips are a guide to help you stay in top shape throughout all the stages of your life.

  1. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily.  Water is the very essence of life and we all need it to survive.  Without water, we would dehydrate and die.  Water is also the most basic antioxidant to naturally flush toxins out of your system.  Although recent claims have been made there is a lack of scientific evidence to support drinking six to eight glasses of water, our bodies are approximately 60 percent water so it makes sense we need to replenish it.  Water lubricates, cools and cleanses our bodies.  It also carries essential nutrients and wastes throughout our bodies so they function well during everyday activities, exercise and rest.
  2. Remember the importance of stretching.  Stretching reduces muscle tension, increases blood flow and oxygen to the area, strengthens muscles and increases mobility in your joints to avoid the stiffness associated with aging.  Stretching is also believed to open up energy pathways in the body, often referred to as chi energy.  Popular stretching techniques for fitness and relaxation include yoga and tai chi.  You can also perform a few simple stretches before and after your daily workout to avoid injuring your muscles and joints.
  3. Take a walk everyday and don’t be afraid to work up a sweat.  Our bodies need exercise for good circulation, healthy muscles and strong bones.  It is beneficial to work up a sweat at least three times weekly to increase your cardiovascular strength.  If you are are a beginner or returning to fitness after being away for a long time, a daily walk is an excellent way to get started.  Walking is a great overall body workout.  Start by walking for ten minutes, then add five minutes every few days until you are walking for at least a  half hour daily.  Try interval training to make the most of your time.  Alternative jogging and walking and burn more calories during your daily walk.  Workout at least three times weekly so your body enjoys the benefits.
  4. Avoid shortcuts and go for the exercise.  Don’t be lazy.  Walk to the local store around the corner rather than driving.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Park in the furthest parking spot rather than the closest.  Avoid shortcuts and view these situations as opportunities to fit a bit of exercise into your hectic daily schedule.  At the end of the week, you will burn significantly more calories than if you took shortcuts.
  5. Stay away from fatty foods, salty snacks and sugary goodies. Consuming excess fat, salt and sugar leads to more serious problems including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and many others.  These foods provide little or no nutritional value and often contain large amount of calories.  Consuming empty calories packs on the pounds and causes poor physical health.
  6. Follow the food pyramid for healthy eating habits.  Do you remember learning about the food pyramid in school?  Sticking to the four basic food groups and making sure each are properly represented in your daily diet promotes better health.  Those lessons you learned as a child should stay with you throughout your adulthood.  Eat several servings of fresh fruit and vegetables daily.  Include lean meats, low fat dairy products and whole grains for optimum health.  Steer clear of processed meats, fruits and vegetables canned with sugar and salt, fatty dairy treats, white breads, cakes and cookies which contain more calories than nutritional value.
  7. Stress relief is good for your overall well-being.  When our bodies experience stress, they produce a hormone called cortisol that leads to weight build up around the abdomen.  Excess belly fat increases the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.  By exercising and eating right, you are already reducing your stress while boosting your fitness level.  Other ways to minimize stress include meditation, massage and simply taking time to enjoy a favorite activity.
  8. Laughter helps you stay fit and healthy.  Dr. Madan Kataria, a Indian doctor and yoga student, wrote ‘Laughter is the Best Medicine’ for a medical journal in 1995.  Dr. Kataria combined yoga breathing techniques with laughter, which is referred to as laughter yoga.  By using forced laugher and stretching, laughter yoga exercises the body and makes you feel uplifted by minimizing stress.  Today over 5,000 laughter clubs exist.  Even if you don’t try laughter yoga, take ten everyday to relax and laugh at whatever tickles your funny bone.
  9. Avoid bad habits.  Alcohol, smoking cigarettes and taking illegal drugs is harmful to your body, mind and spirit.  When you engage in bad habits, your body suffers from the abuse.  Bad habits also distract you from healthier habits such as well-balanced eating and daily exercise.
  10. Protect yourself against the elements.  Pollution irritates the respiratory tract and can make you less able to perform aerobic activity, straining your heart.  If you live in an area with air pollution, try to avoid exposure before and during your exercise routine.  Where the ozone concentration is high, exercise after dark or early in the morning.  Avoid exercising during rush hour or on streets with a lot of traffic.  Apply sunscreen when you workout outdoors.  While getting vitamin D from the sun is beneficial, harmful UV rays can cause skin cancer and other problems

Having healthy habits, and following these 10 health tips everyday promotes a longer, fitter and happier life.

Dieting Tips

The greatest mistakes dieters can make are to drastically cut their calorie intake and abruptly abolish their appetite for foods they love to eat.

Your brain is smart. It responds to extreme, low-calorie diets by triggering a metabolic appetite. That appetite causes the body to feel a need for more energy and calories. That will make you hungry and create the possibility of overeating.

More often than not, dieters succumb and fail to continue their diet.

Nutritionists agree that those who want to go on a diet should undergo a lifestyle change, not so much a stark revolution of what they eat.

Dieters should combine physical activity to boost metabolism while satisfying their appetite for the body’s need for calories and energy and for the brain’s craving for delicious food. The goal is to keep their daily intake to 1,500 calories while doing this.

Here are some other dieting tips to follow:

  • Eat balanced meals, at least three a day without skipping breakfast. Eating breakfast and low-fat meals are common among people who keep weight off the longest. Your meals should include the proper mix of fruits, vegetables, dairy, carbohydrates and protein.
  • Maintain a low-fat diet by limiting how much saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol you eat. To do this, the dieter should cut down on commercially baked or fried foods. Keeping the diet to 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day is essential in weight loss. The dieter should lose about two pounds a week if this goal is met.
  • Watch the size of the portions. A large meal can max out a dieter’s targeted calorie intake for a day. Keep the portions small and try to snack every three hours to keep your metabolism going and reduce hunger.
  • Drink water, water and water. Did we mention to drink water? Consuming soft drinks, alcohol and whole milk substantially adds calories to a diet. Drinking water will actually make a dieter feel more energetic and help lose weight because it prevents dehydration. People who are dehydrated usually feel hungry and are more susceptible to overeat. For those who are bored with water, try flavored water without added sugar, or unsweetened fruit juice and vegetable juice. Low-fat milk is another alternative.
  • Avoid putting food in front of you all day. People tend to eat almost everything put in front of them. Convenience is one of the strongest triggers for overeating and snacking. Buy fewer ready-to-eat snacks. A dieter should avoid the urge to nibble when not hungry.
  • Write down your long-term goals. Ask yourself what weight you want to be at. Ask yourself how you will get there. And finally ask yourself how you will know when you achieve that goal.
  • Do not focus on being overweight. Focus on being fit and what you want to look like.
  • Visualize yourself as slim as you want to be. Keep looking ahead to that image instead of dwelling on what you have looked like and fearing you will never change.
  • Avoid eating when you are not hungry. In other words, do not eat on a binge.
  • If you happen to fail, there’s always a chance for a new diet and new hope.

Dieting is as much mental as it is physical. The mental and physical aspects of a diet are interchangeable.

If a dieter is mentally charged to succeed at a diet, he or she better be physically ready for the challenge. If a dieter is physically inclined, his or her mental approach will maintain that healthy body.

Workout Tips

Achieving the best type of workout takes planning, patience and perseverance.

Each workout should theoretically be addressed as a jaunt up a hill and back down again without a hint of trying to speed up the process or going too slow or quitting.

In other words, a workout needs to be done right from the start. You can’t start on top of the hill. You have to get there from the bottom. So start slow with a warm up. Build up your stamina. Get to the top. After achieving your plan, gradually ease to a cool down.

You should take 5-10 minutes to gradually raise your heart rate at the beginning of a workout. You should use the same amount of time for your cool-down period. Before strength training, you should perform low-intensity cardio activity that limbers your large muscle groups (legs, back and core).

A cardiovascular workout should be performed with increased intensity at intervals. You should not cruise your way through a workout.

On the other hand, you do not want to push yourself too hard. If you can’t speak with each breath that means your workout is too intense.

The amount of time you spend working out matters. The more cardio minutes a week results in more of a loss of total body weight. Try spending four days a week doing 50 minutes worth of cardio workouts each of those days, or five days doing 40 minutes each workout.

Working out extends to strength training, running and walking, and abs workout. Today’s workout enthusiasts are always active and looking for the best workout tips available. Here are more tips for all the different types of workouts:

Running and Walking

  • Avoid clenching your fist when running in order to prevent tension in your arms. The tension can lead to stress in your upper back and shoulders.
  • Keep track of your workout by jotting down the date, time and distances of your runs and walks. Those who efficiently track their diet know how important to keep such a journal. It helps you stick with your exercise regimen.
  • Try to run or walk uphill. You burn 25-40 percent more calories by walking or running on inclines than you do by working out on flat surfaces. Add hills with a distance of 50 to 100 yards to your usual route or increase the incline on the treadmill.

Abs Workout

  • Keep your middle muscles contracted throughout the entire range of motion.
  • Do not overwork your abs. The large abs muscle responds best to high-intensity training (difficult exercises and not more reps). If you work your abs hard every day, the muscle will tire and you won’t see results. Work your abs two or three times a week on nonconsecutive days.
  • The best type of abs workout is the bicycle lying face up and bringing your right knee and left elbow toward each other, then switching sides. It is the best waist-firming exercise because it uses every muscle in your abs.
  • Perform crunches using a stability ball instead of doing them on the floor because your abs will have to work harder to stabilize your position and you’re able to move through a larger range of motion.
  • To workout the deepest muscles of your abs, inhale and then exhale, pull your bellybutton toward your spine, without hunching your shoulders forward and without sucking in your belly. You can do this exercise when sitting at your desk at work.

Strength Training

  • If you can lift a maximum number of reps (usually 10-12) without feeling strained or fatigued, add a minimal amount of pounds (5-10 pounds). If you are unable to complete at least eight reps, reduce the weight 5-10 pounds until you can.
  • Perform workouts to balance your body tone. Do exercises for opposing muscle groups. During your weekly routines, for example, if you work your quads, do exercises for your hamstrings as well.  The same goes for your biceps and triceps, etc.
  • Take a day off between weight-lifting sessions to give your muscle groups rest between the workouts. If you desire to lift every day, target different muscle groups each day.
  • Try to vary your sets and reps from workout to workout instead of doing the same routine over and over. You will see greater muscle gains.

With any workout, structure is the key. You must stretch and build your stamina slowly with a light cardiovascular exercise. Hit your stride. Finish with a cool-down session.

You should treat your workout regimen the same. Apply structure to your workout plan. Stick to it. Don’t try to be a world-beater too fast. Ease into your regimen. Work at your pace. Become the strongest person possible in the end.

Running Tips

If you are training for running competition or trying to get the best workout from a good run, you must prepare your body and mind, not only your legs.

So many aspects pertain to preparing for the most effective running exercise. For example, you should think of your attire as much as what kind of running fuels you are putting into your body.

Here is a rundown of some of the most practical running tips to follow:

  • Make sure your carbohydrates are high at the time of your run. An average person has the capacity to store more than 2,500 calories of carbohydrates in the body. Before you run in the morning, eat a light high-carbohydrate breakfast such as a bagel with cream cheese and a banana.
  • Do not eat too much or not enough before your run. One mistake is to think you will get sick if you put something into your stomach before running. Do not starve yourself before running. Running on empty will lead to fatigue, cramping, greater risk for injury and poor performance.
  • You should eat about an hour or so before and after your run. If you snack on something high in carbohydrates and low in fat with some protein, you should be in the best condition for your run. Some good snacks include a low-fat granola bar with water, a lean-meat sandwich with fruit, chocolate milk and a banana, and a peanut butter sandwich. Some good post-run snacks include a whole-wheat bagel with peanut butter and fruit, a fruit salad and a yogurt, low-fat milk or a fruit salad and latte. You can also down multivitamins with water.
  • The ads say Gatorade is best to boost athletic performance. But the best liquid for your body is water. You should drink two cups of water before running. If you are able to run with a bottle of water, take a few gulps. And continue drinking water after your run.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that new shoes are best to use for a run. Break the new shoes in first. Running with new shoes will lead to blisters and an uncomfortable running experience. Take comfort in your old sneakers. Wearing the wrong shoes could lead to ankle, hip and knee injuries. Shoes should be replaced every 500 miles.
  • If you are running outdoors, avoid wearing black. Black shirts absorb heat and will make you feel more uncomfortable. On the flipside, if it is cold outside, wearing dark clothing is important to attract the heat.
  • For the beginning runner, the best routine is to run 15 minutes at a time, three times a week, and build from there. You should not try to run three to five miles at the outset. You will turn yourself off to running very quickly, and worse, get hurt in the process. Also, try to break up the running with brisk running, if necessary. If you can not carry a conversation while you are running, you are going to fast.
  • It is crucial to stretch before you run and after you run. Stretch long enough to feel limber, something like five to 10 minutes.
  • Rest is very important for a good run. If you attempt to run in the morning after a sleepless night, you should pass on the run. Try again later after getting some good rest.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself. If you are preparing for a race, set goals that will gradually get you to the distance you desire. Running is a test of endurance. Don’t set too high of a goal to start or else your endurance will not last.

Running and swimming are the best forms of exercise because they incorporate muscles from all parts of the body. With your entire body involved, you must properly train and take care of your body through exercise and diet before following a running regimen.

The tips listed here should make your running experience more fulfilling. In order to be an effective runner, you should consider each run as an important feat, not a casual attempt to get back into shape.

Don’t think of running as wear and tear. Think of running as building your body to its best possible state.

Exercise Tips

You’ve made up your mind to shed more than a few pounds that only a diet will yield.

You’re ready to feel sore and strong at the same time. You want your free time to be more than just watching TV or surfing the Internet.

You want to exercise.

But you don’t have a clue how to get started. If you are overweight or out of shape, it’s not easy to all of a sudden push a button and be an exercise machine. So what steps should be taken to get into the best exercise routine? Here are some valuable exercise tips to follow:

First of all, set realistic goals.

Set goals that are specific, time oriented and measurable. How many pounds do you want to lose in a specific timeframe? How many minutes a day do you plan to exercise? How many days of the week? After you set these goals, stick to them.

You should make sure to not over-exercise.

Get into your exercise routine with a light aerobic exercise, such as bicycling or walking for about 20 minutes every other day. Progressively increase the intensity, the amount of time and the frequency of the exercise sessions. If you are ever out of breath or extremely fatigued, slow down your session. If you are grossly overweight or out of shape, you should seek the advice of a physician before you begin exercising.

Each exercise routine should have a warm-up session and a cool-down period.

The best way to prevent injury, aside from avoiding over-exercising, is to incorporate a warm-up session to your exercising. Cooling down after your exercise session safely lowers your heart rate and relaxes your muscles.

You should avoid dehydration.

Replacing water loss adequately is very important to remain healthy and to avoid injury. The body needs 4 to 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes during an exercise period. If you don’t drink water, your sweat does not have a source and your body and head can revolt against you. You will most likely feel ill. You want to feel strong while exercising.

An exercise partner can enhance your exercise session.

Motivation is very important to your exercise session. Having a good exercise partner can set the tone for your exercise. Exercise studies show that a person exercising with a partner sticks with their routine 60 percent more of the time.

It is OK to feel soreness, but do not exercise through pain.

If you feel muscle or joint pain, continuing to exercise can keep you off your exercise routine for a long time. It will also lead to plenty of medical attention and perhaps loss of time from work and your social life. So the best tip is to stop your exercise if you feel the slightest pain, such as a muscle pull. Relax the pain, seek the advice of a physician and exercise again when you are fully healthy.

Think of exercising as a fun routine, not one to fear or loathe.

The best way to keep your exercise routine fun is to mix it up. Try new exercises from time to time. Stick to the exercises you like the most but learn new ones from others. Try not to have monotonous routines, or else you will get bored.

As for the exercise routine itself, you should keep your movements slow and smooth, and your knees relaxed, as well as every part of your body. Concentrate on how you breathe in and out but don’t be overwhelmed by that.

While stretching before your exercises, place your hands above or below the joint when holding the stretch. Don’t place your hands directly on the joint while stretching.

If you are about to begin an exercise routine, odds are you’re out of shape or you believe you need to shed some extra weight. The worst thing to do is fear exercising. Look forward to burning those calories and feeling good about you again.

These exercise tips should help you reach that destination where you can look in the mirror and feel like you can conquer any challenge.