Category Archives: Tip on Losing Weight

Difficulty Losing Weight?

Diet Tip 1 – De-Stress Your Life
A lot of people do not realize this, but stress and weight gain go hand and hand. For many people stress leads to increased eating. Stress is also known to make our bodies produce a nasty little chemical called cortisol. Cortisol is a diet killer for a lot of reasons. One of the diet killing effects of cortisol is to slow down your metabolism. Which means you will be storing more fat and gaining more weight – and cortisol makes us gain weight in the most unattractive of places, our bellies.

Here’s a nice stress management tip for you. Go get a massage. Massages have been proven to not only alleviate stress, but give our metabolisms and immune systems a big boost.

Diet Tip 2 – Kiss the Pasta Goodbye
Another reason people have difficulty losing weight is because they eat far too many carbohydrates like pastas. Pasta dishes are true diet killers. They are high in calories and usually high in fat. I cup of pasta is equal to approximately 200 calories and the Italian restaurants almost always give you more than 1 cup of pasta with your meal.

So here is a tip for replacing that pasta. Try steamed vegetables instead. They may not taste quite as good as a cup of pasta, but if you add a touch of lemon juice and pepper I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the taste. You will also be pleasantly surprised when you find out that you can drop 2 inches a year just by making this one little change.

Diet Tip 3 – Small Plate Psychology
One of the biggest reasons people have difficulty losing weight is lack of satisfaction with their meals. If your diet is based around eating smaller portion sizes, it can be kind of depressing to look at the tiny dinner that has been set before you. This makes it so much harder to stick to a diet plan.

Here is a little trick to help you fight this dissatisfaction. You are going to trick your brain and your belly into thinking that you have eaten more food than you actually did. How? Simply replace your full size dinner plates with smaller ones. The portion size will look large compared to the plate size. This tricks your mind and body into believing you have eaten more food than you actually have.

Diet Tip 4 – Think Positive About the Pain
This tip may seem a bit odd, but it really does work. Oftentimes the reason we have difficulty losing weight is because we just find diets too difficult or painful. Right now your brain is wired to tell you that you need to eat if you are hungry. That is fine if you are already at your ideal weight, but if you are trying to lose weight those hunger pangs are terrible. This is where you need to change the way you think about hunger and food. Rather than feel that those hunger pangs are painful nuisances, try thinking of them as a clear indication that your diet is working. Whenever you feel any discomfort that you associate with dieting put a positive spin on it. Whenever you feel that you are about to give into those hunger pangs think negatively about giving in. Eventually you will have completely rewired the way your brain thinks about weight loss.

It is common to have difficulty losing weight. There is a reason why everyone is not running around showing off their six pack abs: Losing weight is hard. However, if you follow the tips in this article you will soon realize it is not nearly as difficult as you first believed.

Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss – Losing the Weight after the Baby

Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and healthy.   However, no matter how normal or healthy these extra pounds might be for the baby, they aren’t healthy for you, the mom, once the baby comes.   Whether you have 5, 10, 15 or more pounds to lose, it can get very discouraging when you keep dieting yet nothing happens.

Pregnancy is one of the greatest stressors for the human body that Mother Nature ever devised.   With all the other problems you face during pregnancy including morning sickness that lasts all day, hormone swings, and appetites and cravings out of control, the last thing you really want to deal with – along with the new baby – is trying to lose those unwanted “pregnancy pounds”.

But it can be done!  And, most importantly, losing weight after pregnancy can be done without committing to expensive diet programs or making major diet and life changes.

If you have ever been on any type of a restricted diet, you already know how difficult it is to be forced into making severe and sudden dietary changes.   This is the reason most diets fail.

The only successful way to lose weight after pregnancy is to find a realistic method closely resembling your current life style.   No matter what fad diets you have heard of or tried, it all boils down to the same thing:  cut calories and exercise more.

The only way you will lose this weight is to do it slowly.  Remember – it took a good nine months to pack on those pounds.  Don’t expect them to come off much faster.

To make matters worse, “pregnancy pounds” are a bit more difficult to get rid of because your body is programmed to work against you every step of the way.   You body insists you need these extra pounds because of two very important reasons, dating back to our ancient ancestors.

First, your body believes you are still eating for two and assumes you are breastfeeding.  Second, our ancestors never knew when the men would return from the hunt with more food.  Our bodies were and are hardwired to keep every ounce of body fat until it is assured of an ongoing food supply.   So, even though we are here in the 21st century, our DNA hasn’t changed since we learned to walk upright.

With all that said and done, rest assured that losing weight after pregnancy is not only possible, but probable.  If you’re healthy, are willing to make some minor changes to your diet, and are willing to accept that this is not an overnight process, you’re halfway there.

Here are some simple suggestions to start off with.  These are not major life changes.   These can easily be incorporated into your normal daily routine, they don’t take additional time to implement, and they don’t cost anything to try.

Tip on Losing Weight

How to Lose Weight: Getting Back on the Right Track

Did you ever notice in a conversation when you mention to someone that you’re on a diet they roll their eyes or give a chuckle?  That’s because everyone wants to lose weight.  We all try, but very few have success.  Weight loss is very frustrating.  It’s a slow process that takes time, dedication and commitment.  But if you stick to it the rewards can be outstanding.

First, you need to set some realistic goals.  Setting goals is an important if you want to succeed and lose weight.   It helps you develop an effective plan to start your journey feeling better emotionally and physically.  Start by selecting two or three goals at a time that you are willing to take on and stick too.

Remember that valuable goals are specific and achievable. For example, a goal such as “I will exercise twice a week” is a wonderful goal, but it’s not specific. A goal such as, “I will take a walk in the evening everyday” is detailed and realistic, but is it possible if you’re just beginning your weight plan? “I am going to take a 30 minute walk every day” is more reasonable, but what happens if you are unable to take that 30 minute walk because you are too tired or you just didn’t have the time?  It’s ok.  Remember, there are no failures.  If you try you cannot fail.  Taking the first step to lose weight is a reward in itself.

One big mistake that people do when they try to lose weight is that they focus on just one factor: losing weight. However, in order to lose weight successfully you need to focus on   nutrition and exercise.  Eating healthy and incorporating exercise into your life will lead to long-term weight control.

Always remember to take some time out each week for yourself and reward yourself.  A reward is something that you enjoy that will make you fill well about yourself and achieving your goal.

For example, a reward could be a long bath or you could go out with your friends and do something you enjoy that is relaxing and fulfilling.  Rewards are used to encourage you to attain your weight control goals, especially those that have been difficult for you to reach.

Eating healthy and changing your old eating habits can be very difficult.  Eating healthy begins by eating a variety of foods from the basic food groups: protein, such as meat, eggs, dairy, fruits and vegetables; grains, such as breads and pasta; and fats and sweets.

This may sound easy to do, but it’s not always easy to get the nutrition you need. You may eat more of your favorite foods from only one food group, and as a result, avoid others. Or maybe you may choose fast foods over healthy foods when you are hungry and in the rush to eat something quick.

A healthy diet takes planning.  You should take some time out of your weekly schedule to plan what you are going to eat each day. Pay attention to what your eating and eliminate any foods that are unhealthy and do not agree with your body.  Everybody’s metabolism is different, so you need to eat healthy foods that work best for you.  If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you may need to cut down.

Begin by eating mostly proteins and eliminate fatty foods as best as you can. You need some fats in your meal plan, but make sure they are the right types of fats.  Be careful with the fat-free foods they have on the market.  They may have zero fat grams, but the amount of calories could be just as bad as a fatty food with many fat grams in it.  To make the fat-free foods taste good they use a lot of sugar, which causes you to gain weight.

Cut down on your cheeses.  Remember too much of anything is not a good thing.  Stop using any types of breads or other food products that had a high fat content. The bad thing about bread is that, breads make you feel full. When it goes into your body, it turns into sugar and increase your appetite.  Soon you become hungry and want to eat again.

Chinese food is high in carbohydrates, and has the same effect.  The calories keep adding up and the salt in the food makes you extremely bloated. You should read the food labels when you shop in a grocery store.  Try to eat as few fat grams as possible in a day.

Drinking water is an important step to eating healthy.  Drink as much water as your body could consume, which is important.  You are trying to get your body back into shape and lose weight

Water helps you flush all those unwanted impurities out of your system.  The human body contains fifty to 70% water.  Because water does not remain stored in the body, we must replace it continually.  Water contains no fat grams or calories and is one of the healthiest fluids to drink.  Adults must consume two to three liters of some form of liquid each day.

When you have a munchies craving eat healthy snacks such as bananas and yogurt.  Cut out all the bad foods, such as the chips, ice cream, cakes, etc.

Eat healthy meats such as chicken and turkey.  Meats contain many valuable nutrients among them is protein.  However, be careful also because meat also contains cholesterol.

Cut down on the mayonnaise, ketchup and all the foods that put on weight and holds water.  Also, try to eat slowly.  By eating slowly, you will enjoy the meal more and not eat as much.

Eat breakfast in the morning.  People, who do not eat breakfast, will eat more during the day or at dinnertime.   You want to avoid eating big dinners because the food lies on your stomach later in the evening and you do not burn as many calories.  The food just lies there in your stomach.  Eat a healthy breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner and a light snack.

The Different Food Groups

Fat Oils and Sweets

Milk, Yogurt and the Cheese Group

Dry Beans, Eggs and Nut Group

Vegetables and Fruit Group Starches, Grains, Pasta, Rice, Bread and Cereal 

The bread‑cereal group includes all breads and cereals that are whole‑grain, enriched, or restored.  All cereals are very high in starch, and they are good, generally inexpensive sources of energy. The fat content of cereal products generally is very low unless the germ is included. Whole‑grain products contribute significant quantities of fiber and such trace vitamins and minerals as pantothenic acid, vitamin E, zinc, copper, manganese, and molybdenum.

Most vegetables are important sources of minerals, vitamins, and cellulose. Certain vegetables, such as potatoes, contribute appreciable quantities of starch. Large amounts of the minerals calcium and iron are in vegetables, particularly beans, peas, and broccoli. Vegetables also help meet the body’s need for sodium, chloride, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. Carotenes (the precursor of vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are abundant in many vegetables. Vegetables are useful as sources of roughage.

The nutritional value of fruits varies. Some fruits are composed largely of water, but contain valuable vitamins. The citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, and yellow‑colored fruits, such as peaches, contain carotene. Dried fruits contain an ample amount of iron, and figs and oranges are an excellent source of calcium. Like vegetables, fruits have high cellulose content.

The milk group includes milk and milk products, cheese, and ice cream. Milk is a complete protein food containing several protein complexes. It also contains important amounts of most nutrients, but it is very low in iron and ascorbic acid and low in niacin. Calcium and phosphorus levels in milk are very high. Vitamin A levels are high in whole milk, but this fat‑soluble vitamin is removed in the production of skim milk. Riboflavin is present in significant quantities in milk unless the milk has been exposed to light.

The meat and meat substitutes group includes beef; veal; lamb; pork; organ meats such as liver, heart, and kidney; poultry and eggs; fish and shellfish; and dried peas, beans, and nuts. The meat group contains many valuable nutrients. One of its main nutrients is protein, but meat also contains cholesterol, which is believed to contribute to coronary artery disease. The minerals copper, iron, and phosphorus occur in meats in significant amounts, particularly iron and copper in liver. Different meats vary in their vitamin content. Liver usually contains a useful amount of vitamin A. Thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, all B vitamins, occur in significant amounts in all meats.

Other Foods such as, butter, margarine, other fats, oils, sugars, or unnourished refined‑grain products are included in the diet to round out meals and satisfy the appetite. Fats, oils, and sugars are added to other foods during preparation of the meal or at the table. These foods supply calories and can add to total nutrients in meals.

For many years the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued dietary guidelines based on four basic food groups‑‑meat and meat substitutes, fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, and grains, including bread and cereals‑‑and a balanced diet would include at least one food from each group in each meal every day.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommended that people eat a variety of foods daily, including fruits; vegetables; whole and enriched grain products; dairy products; meats, poultry, fish, and eggs; and dried peas and beans. While recognizing that certain people (for example, pregnant women, the elderly, and infants) have special nutritional needs, the report stressed that for most people the greater the variety of foods eaten, the less likely is a deficiency or excess of any single nutrient to develop.

The report emphasized that people should increase their consumption of complex carbohydrates‑‑fruits, vegetables, and other unrefined foods‑‑and naturally occurring sugars. It also recommended reducing the consumption of refined and processed sugars. It encouraged a reduction in fat consumption by decreasing the amount of fatty meats and replacing foods that have saturated fats with those having unsaturated fats. A reduction in the sodium intake by decreasing the amount of salt added to food was also recommended.

Research findings on nutrition, in the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services changed the daily diet recommendations from the square of the four food groups to a food pyramid, with foods that should be eaten more often at the base, and those used less frequently at the top. The emphasis is on consuming less of the group’s meat and meat substitutes, dairy products, and oils and fats, and more of the breads and cereals, and fruits and vegetables. When properly followed the food pyramid teaches the use of a wide variety of food items, moderation in total food intake, and proportionality among the food groups to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

Changing the way you eat can make it easier to eat less without feeling like you’re missing out on all the good stuff. It takes 15 or more minutes for your brain to get the message you’ve been fed. So slow down the rate that you eat food. That will allow the feeling of feeling full signals to begin to develop by the end of the meal.  Eating lots of vegetables or fruit can also make you feel fuller. Another trick is to use smaller plates so that moderate portions do not appear too little.

Nutrition is a major factor to success weight loss. So concentrate on what you eat, put some exercise into your weight loss plan.  You do not have to become an exercise guru! And reward yourself frequently.  I guarantee feel better about yourself, shed some pounds and when those people who rolled their eyes and chuckled about weight loss will be budging their eyes and saying, “Wow, you look great!  How did you do? How did you lose all that weight!